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Minsk Motor Plant trading house branches out into Russia’s Tyumen

MINSK, 13 October (BelTA) – Minsk Motor Plant trading house has opened a subsidiary in Tyumen, Russia, BelTA learned from the press service of Minsk Motor Plant.

“Now Minsk engines will become more widely known and widely used in the West Siberian region of the Russian Federation. So far, Minsk Motor Plant has not had any significant contracts in this region,” the press service stressed.

A service center of Minsk Motor Plant has been successfully operating in Tyumen. It has become a determining factor for the Belarusian producer to expand its presence in this market segment. As from now the sales of the products and their maintenance service will be carried out in one place.

The opening ceremony was attended by representatives of the Belarusian embassy in Tyumen Oblast, local administration, and also heads of many enterprises of the Russian region.

“Representatives of Minsk Motor Plant, who visited the opening ceremony, held negotiations with potential consumers of the products. They outlined ways of development and prospective cooperation,” the press service added.

Minsk Motor Plant is a producer of modern diesel, gas-diesel and gas-fueled engines. The company specializes in the development, design and manufacture of modern three-, four-, six- and eight-cylinder engines. The company produces more than 100 modifications of engines ranging from 7 to 330 kW, designed for agricultural, road-building and harvesting equipment, trucks and buses, power plants, compressors and other units. MMZ engines are supplied to assembly lines of 49 enterprises in Belarus, the CIS and non-CIS countries. The company sells into more than 50 countries of Europe, Asia, Africa, North and Latin America. The engines are manufactured using components from world-renowned companies.


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