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Yanka Kupala’s works to go on display in Istanbul

MINSK, 24 September (BelTA) – A meeting to celebrate Yanka Kupala’s works will take place in Istanbul on 25 September, BelTA learned from the Yanka Kupala State Literary Museum.

On that day, the Belarusian Park of Friendship in Istanbul will host the exhibition “Yanka Kupala in the Dialogue of Cultures”, celebrate the Bogach festival, and hold a public event “Reading Kupala Together”. “The living legacy of the great poet is not only an inseparable link with the native land for Belarusians abroad, but also a step for different countries and peoples towards understanding the history of our culture. Telling about the work of Yanka Kupala, the museum continues the traditions established by the poet himself,” representatives of the institution said.

According to the organizers, the campaign “Reading Kupala Together” will add Turkey to the list of countries united with Belarus by the word of Yanka Kupala. The project kicked off in 2012 and has been so far successfully held in Russia, Georgia, France, Estonia, Serbia and other countries. “Visitors will also be able to experience the atmosphere of the folk autumn harvest festival and enjoy the national flavor while participating in an interactive program prepared by the museum,” they added.

During the visit to the Turkish capital the management of the Yanka Kupala State Literary Museum, the Adam Mitskevich Museum and Orhan Pamuk Museum of Innocence in Istanbul with the participation of the representatives of the Istanbul City Hall. The parties are set to discuss the prospects of inter-museum cooperation.

The event is held as part of the international project “Yanka Kupala in the Dialogue of Cultures”. Attending it will also be representatives of the Belarusian diaspora, city authorities, the Istanbul public and the consular corps.


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