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Lukashenko opines on government efforts to combat COVID-19

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MINSK, 19 October (BelTA) – Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko gave his take on the efforts of the authorities to combat the coronavirus pandemic as he hosted a meeting to discuss the epidemiological situation and the COVID-19 response in Belarus on 19 October, BelTA has learned.

The head of state emphasized that he had convened a meeting to discuss treatment of people, and not the so-called fight against COVID-19. Governors and other regional officials joined the event via video link. Government members and experts gathered in the Palace of Independence in Minsk.

At the beginning of the meeting, Aleksandr Lukashenko asked Healthcare Minister Dmitry Pinevich: “I assume that all people in attendance are healthy, right?”

After the minister replied in the affirmative, the head of state asked another question: “Have you put them into quarantine before the meeting with the president, have they done PCR tests?”

This time the minister’s answer was negative.

“How come, you have come to the head of state, (there is only one president in Belarus) and have not checked those present here? It turns out that you do not practice what you preach. I have asked you this question for a reason. You have done the right thing, because it is not how things work in our country. Although people all over the world do not meet with the president without prior quarantine,” the president said.

Aleksandr Lukashenko continued: “I asked this question because I wanted you to answer another question: if you come to the president freely, why are you giving ordinary people a bad time?”


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