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Volfovich: West uses migration crisis to shift consequences of short-sighted actions onto Belarus

MINSK, 6 October (BelTA) – On 6 October, State Secretary of the Security Council of the Republic of Belarus Aleksandr Volfovich visited Kamenets District of Brest Oblast, BelTA learned from the Security Council of the State Secretariat.

Aleksandr Volfovich made a working trip to the frontier Kamenets District where he met with local executives, discussed the socio-political and socio-economic situation in the district, and assessed the situation on the border.

After visiting the section of the Belarusian-Polish border, the border outposts of the Brest border group, the state secretary talked to journalists. He noted that after the migration situation on the border with the EU countries worsened, Belarus was actually forced to resist illegal migration by itself, protecting the interests of European neighbors. The State Border Committee has repeatedly called on European partners to engage in a constructive dialogue and unfreeze the cross-border cooperation projects. But unfortunately, those calls have been ignored.

“Instead of finding ways to solve the problems European partners have chosen to spout unfounded absurd accusations against Belarus of so-called hybrid aggression,” Aleksandr Volfovich said. “In fact, the migration problem has become a convenient reason for the collective West to shift the consequences for its short-sighted actions in crisis regions onto Belarus and to promote ‘Western democratic values’, which allegedly justifies the need to up pressure on our country.”

He said that by ignoring the principles of bilateral mutually beneficial cooperation in border protection, by staying committed to the sanctions policy, our neighbors have resorted to the most radical methods of solving the migration problem. Contrary to the agreements, illegal delivery of refugees who have sought asylum in neighboring EU countries to the Belarusian border and forcing them out into the Belarusian territory has become the norm. The first such facts were recorded as early as mid-July on the border with Lithuania. These actions are often accompanied by the use of force and special means against migrants.

According to Aleksandr Volfovich, the West again demonstrates double standards. On the one hand, the European Court of Human Rights and the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees have requested our neighboring countries to help migrants on the border with Belarus and accept them. On the other hand, we are witnessing attempts to oust them. Moreover, instead of providing assistance to migrants in accordance with international conventions, foreign taxpayers’ money is senselessly spent on the construction of fences, which European countries use to fence themselves off from the migration problem.

“Moreover, the West is working out recommendations for our neighbors ‘to neutralize the relevant challenges and threats’. For example, a NATO task force on countering hybrid threats was deployed to Lithuania for two weeks in September. Experts from the alliance assessed the situation with illegal migrants and handed over a package of such recommendations to Vilnius. We do not rule out that these recommendations could escalate the situation,” the state secretary of the Security Council said.


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