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Belarusian companies participate in Kazakhstan’s largest petrochemical expo

Photo courtesy of BelInterExpo

MINSK, 5 October (BelTA) – Products made by Belarusian companies are displayed as part of the national exposition during the Kazakhstan International Oil & Gas Exhibition 2021 (KIOGE). The expo opened in Kazakhstan’s capital on 5 October, BelTA has learned.

Six Belarusian petrochemical companies are taking part in the expo. An official representative of the Belarusian tire manufacturer Belshina presented tires for cars and trucks as well as the supersize tire BEL-183 for haul trucks with the carrying capacity of 32 tonnes. The tire has already received positive feedback from transport companies from Kazakhstan’s Karaganda Oblast and Altai Territory.

Mozyr Oil Refinery offers premium gasoline with the octane number of 95 and up and diesel fuel for vehicles operating in a cold climate and the Arctic climate. The company shipped the first batch of premium-quality gasoline AI-100-K5-Euro to Kazakhstan in 2019.

Mogilevkhimvolokno Company presented a broad range of polyester fibers, industrial yarns, synthetic films, and polyethylene terephthalate. High pressure polyethylene and acrylic fibers are represented by the oil refinery Naftan.

Svetlogorsk Khimvolokno presented heat-resistant fibers, carbon fiber materials and products made of them. The products boast unique properties. A number of nonwoven materials and their applications were presented.

Seismotekhnika Company presented capabilities of vibratory energy sources based on tracked and wheel chassis as well as capabilities of drill rigs, which are used in the course of development and construction of oil wells.

KIOGE 2021 is one of the most important events in Kazakhstan’s oil, gas, and energy industries. It gathered 155 companies from nine countries and is taking place alongside the Eurasian forum Kazenergy. Heads of state and heads of government, heads of the largest energy companies and industry experts traditionally participate in the Kazenergy forum.

The exposition of Belarusian products as part of KIOGE 2021 has been organized by the exhibition company BelInterExpo of the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry with assistance of the Belarusian embassy in Kazakhstan.


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